
Cute furry pets LOVE to play! But first, puppies must wash & clean up the house!

Pets want to party, too! With Pets House Party, you get to clean house before these kitty cats cut loose and have a good time. The floors need to be swept, the stairs cleaned, the trash picked up and the toys put away. The kitty doesn't want to help, so you've got to do all the work yourself!

Outside of the house needs to be taken care of, too! Wash the car using soap and scrub bubbles. Don't miss a spot or you'll have to wash the car all over again! Plant a garden and watch the flowers grow. Having lots of plants in the garden is a great way to make the house look beautiful!


- Clean up the messy house so the kitty can have a party.

- Sweep the floors, pick up the trash and more.

- Wash the car so it sparkles and shines.

- Plant pretty flowers in the garden, too!

How to Play:

- Do the chores for the kitty using the touch screen.

- Pick up garbage and put it away.

- Wash the car using soap and bubbles. Make sure it's clean!

- Plant seeds in the garden one by one.

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